Thursday, December 21, 2006

How to Heelflip

Heelflips are actually much harder than Kickflips. The reason is that it's harder to use your heel to spin the board rather than your toes.
This trick is a challenging one to master but it's all so sweet when you do.

1.) Set your back foot on the middle back of the tail. Set your front foot so 3/4 of it is on the board but so that your toes are hanging over a bit.

2.) Crouch down and then spring up Ollieing as you normally would. Before you get to your maximum Ollie height, kick your front foot out and try to spin the board using your heel, rolling your ancle.

3.) Keep your front foot out so that the board can spin under you.

4.) Bring your front foot back after it's done 3/4 of the rotation to catch the board.

5.) Uncompress your legs and land the trick.

Tip: Make sure to kick your front foot out to the side to let your board spin, then bring it back over the board.

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