Sunday, December 24, 2006

How to 360 Kickflip

Alright, so if you made it this far to the revered tre flip, then why da hell you lookin’ at trick tips? You know how to learn tricks, what da hell you doin’? Ha, joking. Or am I? Alright, seriously though. This is one hell of a trick. Learn this whammy and you’re cruisin’. This is one of my all-time favorites; one of the most fun tricks to land down anything, even curbs, over a pebble, etc. So what you wanna know first, I’d say varial flips are a valuable tool with this trick. It’s just like a varial flip but with more scoop and a highly tuned flick.Foot position: Set up front foot at an angle kinda pointing towards the nose. Put your back foot on the tip of the tail and have your toes hanging off to get a good scooping motion.

1) Pop and scoop the board and at same time, flick out your front foot. Be sure the pop and scoop is performed in a manner so that the board stays under you; this will take trial and error.
2) Bring up your legs out of the way of the board’s crazy flippin’.
3) Watch and follow the board’s motion.
4) Once the board is on grip tape side, catch it and bring ‘er done.
5) Land it and roll away.

How to 360 Shove-it

1) Push at a medium speed or what you know is best for you.
2) Place your feet over the bolts.
3) As you attempt, twist your hip backside as you kick your board around (try it 180 first until you are comfortable).
4) Then watch your board spin and stay above it. Don't be scared, it will come around. Remember the faster the better
5) Finally roll away, make sure you throw some style into it.

How to Varial Heelflip

1) Get your feet into your normal heel flip position first. Ok, now move your front foot atleast 2+ inches toward your back foot and then pivot your back foot with your heel coming inward towards your other foot. People do this tricks differently so find what works best for you. Knowing F/S shovits help.
2) Pop an ollie and start the F/S shovit but add the kick of your heel to it. Push your back foot down and away to make the board turn. This motion is something unusual for first timers and should kind of look like 1 movement even though it isn't. Your back foot is what spins the board the 180, your front foot adds the heelflip into it.
3) Flip the board 180 with a heelfip and try to catch it in the air if possible. Most people find that the board will land behind them. This problem can be solved either jumping higher kinda and into your board or by kicking alittle more to your front with your front foot.
4) Land on your board (both feet on the hardware) and ride away. If you can't get the board to pop high enough to spin the whole 180 try this trick off a small lendge or into grass. Skate on dude.

Friday, December 22, 2006

How to Varial Kickflip

A varial kickflip is when you do a kickflip and a pop shuvit at the same time.

To do a varial kickflip you need to be moving at a moderate speed. Have you feet in a kickflip position but with your front foot about 2 inches lower. Now pop the shuvit and right after words kick the kickflip.Make sure you jump forward because the board will land infront of you.Then when you see the board make the full flip catch it in the air and slam down.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

How to Pop Shovit

1) Have your back foot in the ollie positon (toes on the end of the tail). Have your front foot in the center of the board - like for a shuvit.

2) Pop the board down by kicking your back foot down, so the tail connects with the ground. In the same movement you should be scooping your back foot in the direction in which you wish the board to spin. This should make the board rise of the ground and begin to spin.

3) Most of the work for this trick should be done with the back foot. The front foot doesn't really do much.

4) As the board is spinning in the air, jump forward to catch the board. Try land this with your feet on the truck bolts for the best landing. Bend your knees as you land to absorb the impact of the trick.

5) Roll away. Be proud of yourself for landing a fairly decent trick.



How to Heelflip

Heelflips are actually much harder than Kickflips. The reason is that it's harder to use your heel to spin the board rather than your toes.
This trick is a challenging one to master but it's all so sweet when you do.

1.) Set your back foot on the middle back of the tail. Set your front foot so 3/4 of it is on the board but so that your toes are hanging over a bit.

2.) Crouch down and then spring up Ollieing as you normally would. Before you get to your maximum Ollie height, kick your front foot out and try to spin the board using your heel, rolling your ancle.

3.) Keep your front foot out so that the board can spin under you.

4.) Bring your front foot back after it's done 3/4 of the rotation to catch the board.

5.) Uncompress your legs and land the trick.

Tip: Make sure to kick your front foot out to the side to let your board spin, then bring it back over the board.

Monday, December 18, 2006

How to Kickflip

Kickflip's are the basis of flip tricks. Once you master these devils you can start 180-360 flips, backside kickflips, frontside kickflips and more.

1.) Set you front foot on the middle of the board with just your toes touching the board and the rest of your foot haning out. Place your back foot the same as for an Ollie, center back of the tail with a bit of your heel hanging out.

2.) Now this is the tricky part. Snap down the tail as for an Ollie but instead of just sliding your front foot up, kick it down and push your foot outwards (opposite direction of your board). You don't have to do a ninja kick, just flip it with your toes. Do this before you peak your Ollie as your board needs time to rotate in the air.

3.) Keep your front foot out until the board is almost done spinning then bring it back over the board to catch it.

4.) Keep watching the video and you'll get the hang of it. It took me very long before I got my first kickflip, now it's just second nature.

Tip: Make sure to kick your front foot out to the side to let your board spin, then bring it back over the board.